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Finding a Raid or a Quest Can
Be Difficult.

Let GOExplorer Make It Simple!
key features

Discover a new world of possibilities

Find Pokéstops and Gyms all around you, look for Quests and Raids, and share your findings with a community of dedicated Trainers. Just a tap and you can share your findings or check what others have shared.


  • Add Raids, Quests,Nests, Pokémon on the map
  • Vote to share your opinion
  • Add new Pokestops or Gyms if not present

Chat to organize like never before

Chat with other trainers to organize for the upcoming raid. It has never been simpler, all in one platform: see a raid, share it and start chatting.


  • Interact directly with other trainers
  • Real time messaging
  • Keep receiving messages even if you change app

Get notified when something new gets added to the map

Looking for a Bidoof raid or that Spinda quest? No worries! When someone shares it, you will receive immediately a notification, so you can take part to the raid or go grab that elusive quest.


  • Personalized notifications
  • Instant notification
  • Choose the area to be notified


  • Add your Community chat
  • Keep track of Gyms Medals

Use the search feature to find exactly what are you looking for. Add your community chat so other trainers can join. Keep track of all your gyms medals with a dedicated map. Connect with other trainers around you.

Search, Community, Gyms Medals

  • Search all over the world
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Join the Community

GOExplorer helps trainers all over the world connect and share Quests, Raids, Nests and Pokémon Spawns.
Reach out to us

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Download Now

Do you have any suggestion? We would like to hear it! Contact us by email or on your favorite social platform!

  • Telegram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial app. We assume no responsibility for, and offer no warranties or representation regarding, the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any content. Pokémon Go and all related images are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic.


Using the same method you used to login to pogo is not necessary nor requested. You can use any kind of method you want from those available. This application and its login are totally indipendent from pogo and it cannot cause any kind of in-game ban, since it cannot access in any way your trainer account.

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